BRACCIANO AMBIENTE spa (15/06/2017)

Bracciano Ambiente S.p.A. Is a company owned by the Municipality of Bracciano which holds 100% of its share capital. Logo Bracciano Ambiente The company was founded in 2004 with the task of detecting the management of the regional landfill of Cupinoro, to which its 25 Urban Municipal Solid Waste Municipalities gave 25 municipalities in the Lazio region: Anguillara, Bracciano, Campagnano, Canale M., Cerveteri, Castelnuovo di Porto, Capena, Magliano, Fiano, Formello, Civitella S. Paolo, Ladispoli, Manziana, Mazzano, Nazzano, Morlupo, Ponzano R., Riano, Rignano, Sacrofano, Santa Marinella, Sant'Oreste, Torrita Tiberina, Trevignano and Filacciano. Some of our primary goals are: • Gradually reduce landfill through the transformation of the undifferentiated waste collection service into a door-to-door collection service, separating and recovering all reusable materials; • To realize new facilities for the processing of recovered materials, in order to diversify the activities of Bracciano Ambiente, guaranteeing for the future the employment of the workers of the company and, above all, offering new opportunities for stable employment for the future of our youth; • To realize renewable energy plants (photovoltaic, aeromotors, biomass); • Collaborate with Research Organizations, Universities and Enterprises to develop activities in the field of waste treatment and renewable energies. Industrial Auctions follows the activities of detection, evaluation and relocation of movable property and plants.

